April 2010 Vol. 237 No. 4

Business Meetings & Events

April 2010 Ad Index

Advertisers from the print edition of Pipeline & Gas Journal, April 2010, Vol. 237 No. 4.

3M Company, www.3M.com/corrosion
ABV Srl, www.abvvalves.com
AE Industrial
AGA Operations Conference, www.aga.org
AGS, www.agsgps.com
Above Ground Markers, www.abovegroundmarker.com
Air Logistics
Air Products
Alliance Auctioneers
American Augers
Anchor Pipe International, www.anchorpipe.com
BJ Services, www.bjservices.com
BKW Inc., www.bkwinc.com
Bayou/CCSI, www.bayoupipe.com
Bishop Lifting Products
Brad Bean, www.b3pe.com
Brance Krachy Co., Inc., www.brancekrachy.com
Bredero Shaw, www.brederoshaw.com
CANUSA, www.canusa-cps.com
CDI Control Devices, Inc., www.pigging.com
CECO, www.ceconet.com
ClampOn, Inc., www.clampon.com
Clock Spring Company, www.clockspring.com
Coastal Corrosion Control, www.coastalcorrosion.com
Commercial Resins, www.commercialresins.com
Consolidated Contractors Corp., www.ccc.gr
Cross Country Supply, www.ccpipeline.com
D.C.I., www.davcorpipelinerollers.com
Darby Equipment Company, www.darbyequip.com
Deepwater Corrosion Control, www.stoprust.com
Denso North America, www.densona.com
Dixie Mat & Hardwood Co., www.dixiemat.com
Dow Chemical Div. Basic Plastics, www.ambitrol.com
Dresser Roots Meters, www.rootsmeters.com
Dresser-Rand Corporate Services, www.dresser-rand.com
Dualco, www.dualco-inc.com
Dura Bond Coating
Dyna Torque Technologies, www.dyna-torque.com
E-Z Line Pipe Support Co., Inc., www.ezline.com
EN Engineering, www.enengineering.com
ESRI, www.esri.com/pipeline
Elster Perfection, www.perfectioncorp.com
Enduro Pipeline Services, www.enduropls.com
GE Inspection Technologies, www.ge.com/inspectiontechnologies
Gabe’s Construction Company, Inc., www.gabes.com
Galvanic Applied Sciences, Inc., www.galvanic.ab.ca
Gas Products, Inc., www.gpi-rsc.com
Gearench, Inc., www.gearench.com
Glas Mesh Company, www.glasmesh.com
Gulf Interstate Field Services, www.gie.com
HFP Acoustical Consultants Corp., www.hfpacoustical.com
HGC Engineering, www.hgcengineering.com
Harding Directional Drilling, www.hardingdrilling.com
Heaman Pipe Bending, Inc., www.heaman.com
Heath Consultants Incorporated, www.heathus.com
Henkels & McCoy, Inc., www.henkels.com
Hottinger Baldwin Messtechnik GmbH
Hunt, Guillot & Associates, www.hga-llc.com
Industrial Fabrics, Inc.
Intercon Enterprises, Inc., www.intercononline.com
International Pipeline Exposition 2010, www.internationalpipelineconference.com
Intracoat Pipeline Services, www.intracoat.com
John Deere
John Deere Construction & Forestry
KMC Atlanta Inc.
KS Energy Services, www.ksenergyservices.com
Kidd Pipeline & Specialties, Inc., www.kiddpipeline.com
L.C.M. Italia SpA
L.W. Survey Engineering & Design, www.lwsurvey.com
LB&A, Inc.
LJ Welding & Machine
LT Mapping Services, Inc., www.ltmapping.com
Lane Trailer Manufacturing Co.
Laney Directional Drilling Co., www.laneydrilling.com
Lift Technologies, Inc., www.lifttechnologiesinc.com
McElroy Manufacturing, Inc., www.mcelroy.com
Mesa Corrosion Control, www.mesaproducts.com
Mesaba Pipeline Products
Meter Engineers, Inc., www.meterengineers.com
Midwestern Manufacturing, www.sidebooms.com
Midwestern Pipeline Products
Mueller Company, www.muellercompany.com
NDT Systems & Services AG/Tuboscope, www.ndt-ag.de
National Compliance Management, www.nationalcompliance.com
Neptune Research, Inc., www.neptuneresearch.com
Nuova Giungas Srl
Oilfield Manufacturers Warehouse, www.timmillersales.com
Otis Eastern Service, Inc., www.otiseastern.com
Outlaw Padding Company, www.outlawpadding.com
PLCS, www.plcsusa.com
Pe Ben USA, www.pebenusa.com
Pigs Unlimited International, Inc., www.pigsunlimited.com
Pipe Sak, Inc., www.pipesak.com
PipeLine Machinery International, www.plmcat.com
Pipeline Documentation Service
Pipeline Equipment, Inc., www.pipelineequipment.com
Pipeline Equities
Pipeline Pigging Products, www.pipepigs.com
Pipetech, Inc., www.pipetech.net
Pipeway International, Inc.
Polyguard Products, Inc., www.polyguardproducts.com
Power Associates International, www.paiinc.com
ProSoft Technology, Inc., www.prosoft-technology.com
Proline Pipe Equipment, Inc., www.prolinepipeequipment.com
R&M Energy Systems, www.rmenergy.com
Remco Supply, Inc., www.remcotulsa.com
Reynolds French, www.r-f.com
Rosen Group, www.roseninspection.net
SAFE Engineering & Services, www.sestech.com
Sensus Metering Systems, www.sensus.com
Shelterworks, www.shelterworks.com
Smart Pipe Company, Inc., www.smart-pipe.com
Socotherm Americas
Socotherm SpA, www.socotherm.com
Source of Supply, Inc., www.sosfoams.com
Southeast Directional Drilling, www.southeastdrilling.com
Steel, Etc.
Stroud Diving & Hydrography, www.mesco-offshore.com
T.D. Williamson, Inc., www.tdwilliamson.com
TESI Srl, www.tesigroup.com
Tega Engineering Industry & Trade Co., www.tega.com.tr
Tex-Direct Drilling
Thermo Fisher Scientific, www.thermo.com
Trachte Channelframe Buildings, www.TrachteUSA.com
Tulsa Pipe Expo
U.S. Valve Services & Training, Inc., www.usvalveservices.com
UniversalPegasus International, www.uei-houston.com
VACUWORX, www.vacuworx.com
Vacmasters, www.vacmasters.com
Weamco/Metric, www.weamco.com
Weatherford International, www.weatherford.com/pss
Wilcrest Field Services, Inc.
William L. Riggs Co., Inc., www.flangespreader.com
Worldwide Machinery, www.worldwidemachinery.com


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