January 2013, Vol. 240 No. 1
Enbridge To Undertake $1.8 Billion Hardisty Expansion

Enbridge Pipelines Inc. has reached agreement with shippers on the terms of a $1.8 billion expansion of its mainline system between Edmonton and Hardisty, Alberta.
The project will flow product into the Enbridge mainline system from the Hardisty Terminal.
The scope of the project includes: construction of a 36-inch crude oil pipeline 178-km in length from Enbridge’s Edmonton Terminal to its Hardisty Terminal; a new initiating pump station at the Edmonton Terminal; a new pump station at the company’s existing Strome Station; and associated facilities and infrastructure, including: interconnecting piping, metering, electrical infrastructure, instrumentation controls, communication and SCADA equipment.
Enbridge will seek to acquire a new 10-meter right-of-way as well as temporary work space adjacent to its existing right-of-way. The goal is to align the route of the new pipeline immediately adjacent to the existing pipeline right-of-way where feasible. The company is also seeking landowner input, conducting route surveys, and gathering environmental data before making a final route alignment determination.
The initial capacity of the line will be 570,000 bpd with expansion potential to 800,000 bpd. An in-service date of mid-2015 is targeted.