November 2014, Vol. 241, No. 11
Tandem Diagnostics, Repairs Solution Targets Gas Pipe Leaks

No one questions the need for utility companies to adopt a feasible, cost-effective solution for North America’s aging infrastructure.
A recent study by USA Today points out that the consequence of mismanaging and ignoring the state of pipelines is nothing short of embarrassingly disastrous.
The solution is to apply a tandem set of in-place diagnostics and repairs to the pipelines, and continue to do so regularly. More specifically: use existing technology that provides live-feed assessments while the gas pipeline is in use, and then rehabilitate impaired or at-risk gas pipelines with a nondestructive pipelining process.
This solution is proven effective, available and waiting. Best of all, this process is much less disruptive and expensive than pipe replacements, does not require digging and gives the pipes a longer lifespan than pipe replacements.
Right now, major gas players are using a risk-based approach to prioritize pipe replacement. Factors for this approach include pipe diameter, pressure, soil conditions and past leak history. In other words, gas companies are taking educated guesses. True, something is better than doing nothing. However, gas leaks are too serious to leave up to guesses when there are solutions available that will provide accurate reports about the health of the pipes.
Aquam, a clean-tech company, headquartered in California, offers full assessment and rehabilitation solutions for utilities companies, as well as residential, commercial, industrial, municipal, federal and marine applications.
These technologies are developed and installed by Aquam’s subsidiaries, JD7 and Nu Flow. JD7’s Investigator Gas technology can be inserted into operating gas pipelines with 3-inch diameters and larger to provide real-time analysis and precise leak detection. Nu Flow’s Nu Line system uses a patented blown-in process and existing access points to apply a strong barrier coating inside pressurized pipe systems with diameters of one-half inch to one foot.
Together, Aquam’s solutions are designed to save the companies billions of dollars and ensure projects are completed within a reasonable amount of time.